Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Lawn Turf

Artificial Grass & Your Rental Property

Getting Green with Artificial Grass

The landscape of a rental property, town-home, or other commercial residence is the first attribute that is noticed by any potential resident. Whether it is in person or on Google Maps, those searching for their

Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Lawn Turf

Artificial Grass for Rental Properties

next home will scrutinize every last detail that they can. How full and green is the grass? Is the lawn well-maintained? Are there patches of dirt, ruts, or divots in the ground?

Even if you keep your landscape in top shape, heavy rainfall can turn it into a muddy mess, and your book will be judged by its cover before potential clients even step inside. In the following article, I want to discuss how artificial grass can play a pivotal role in increasing rental desirability, decreasing short and long-term costs, and keeping great tenants happy where they’re at.

How Artificial Grass Saves You Green

Every landlord knows that one of your biggest profit-crushing costs is maintenance. Often home repairs can be unavoidable, but the money you spend on lawn upkeep is definitely a cost you can cut. If you own a community of town-homes, you may be spending over six figures and beyond on employing a full-time maintenance person or crew. Costs are even higher in popular tourist cities like Orlando, Tampa, and Dallas.

Artificial grass is an incredible investment that will pay off each and every day. For town-homes or rental properties with a small yard, your investment will be minimal and will likely pay off immediately. Costs on equipment like lawn mowers, weed wackers, and tillers will be cut out of the budget right off the bat. Long-term costs like fuel, oil, and equipment upkeep will continue to accrue long after you lay down your new artificial landscape turf. Artificial grass doesn’t require any more maintenance than picking up a few twigs at a residential property. Not to mention it will look like a well maintained natural law year-round.

Why Artificial Grass is More Desirable for Tenants

In Tampa Bay, Florida, the rental median was $1,086—more than $100 over the US median. Desirability

Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Lawn Turf

Artificial Grass for Townhomes

drives up costs, and the market can be competitive for both tenants and landlords. A great way to sell your rental property to tenants is to let them know that they’ll never need to mow their lawn or go to great lengths to keep their grass green.

For tenants with families, modern artificial grass meets and exceeds ASTM standards and requirements for safety and fall protection. Children and adults alike will never have to worry about uneven landscapes, holes, or divots that can become a safety hazard and cause falls or other injuries. Parents will also be happy to hear that artificial grass has incredible draining capabilities that will prevent puddles and mud. No more pets or kids dragging mud through the house or kicking muddy shoes off onto the carpet.

Artificial turf is also perfect for small town-homes, especially pet-friendly residences. It creates a small, virtually maintenance-free area for pets to play, and pet-waste cleanup is easy—just scoop like you would on any other grass, and give it a quick squirt with a hose. The antimicrobial fibers within each blade of grass ensure that your yard stays odor free.

Whether you or your tenant is paying the water bill, artificial turf helps to keeps the cost down. During the dry season in a popular tourist city like San Francisco, California, the bill can really start to add up. By conserving water, you’ll help sell the property to prospective renters, help save the planet, and you may even receive a tax credit per-square-foot of artificial turf for your water conservation efforts.

It’s Not Your Father’s Artificial Turf

The green space in your rental home can employ top-of-the-line, advanced artificial landscape turf that eliminates any issues that outdated turf used to have. It can get hot in popular rental locations like

Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Lawn Turf

Artificial Grass for Rental Properties

Dallas, Texas but modern turf is able to reflect sunlight and reduce the sun’s thermal effects, keeping your tenants cool year round.

Aesthetically, artificial turf looks as green, well-trimmed, and natural as the ordinary, well-maintained lawn next door, but the effort and cost are dramatically reduced. It’s nearly impossible to tell the difference visually, and each blade is reinforced with a comfortable, strong padding to keep your artificial turf feeling soft to the touch. Most importantly, today’s artificial grass is durable. It can last well over 26 years with minimal maintenance, making it a great long-term investment for any town-home community or rental property.

For more information on of Artificial Grass can benefit your home, rental property or business, contact Genesis Turf today at 855-887-3435, or by emailing

Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Pet Turf, Dallas TX, Ft Worth TX, Texas

Artificial Grass in Dallas, Ft. Worth


The Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex is the fourth-most populous metropolitan area in all of the United States, and it is a trend-setter for the rest of the country. It’s well known that Dallas and Fort Worth residents take great pride in their homes, yards, and landscapes. As a result, more and more homes and business throughout Dallas and Fort Worth have decided to turn to artificial grass.

The results speak for themselves. While their neighbors are melting under sweltering summer temperatures, artificial turf owners can sit back with a drink on the porch, relax, and enjoy their luxurious, low-maintenance, high-efficiency turf. Artificial grass is safer than natural grass for children pets, and it’s easy to clean, too. With today’s turf technology, artificial grass trumps the alternative in every way.


Artificial Grass is Clean and Professional

How many times has your dog tracked in clumps of mud or grass all over the kitchen floor or

Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Pet Turf, Dallas TX, Ft Worth TX, Texas

Dallas, Ft Worth Artificial Grass

carpets? It can be a hassle to scrub your pet head-to-toe each time they come inside, and if it rains

they might as well be a walking ball of mud. Add in a few kids, and it can be impossible to keep your house clean.

With artificial grass, you don’t have to worry about any of that. When it rains, superior drainage technology allows water to flow directly through each layer of turf without ever pooling on the surface—guaranteed. This keeps your home free from disease-carrying pests that tend to gather around pools of water.

A lot of Dallas and Fort Worth homes have yards full of gravel and mulch that constantly scatter and create holes. It’s even difficult to keep natural grass yards free of holes, ruts, divots, unseemly pathways, and other unsightly deterioration. If you own a home, these problems can be annoying and embarrassing. If you own a business, someone catching a rut and injuring themselves can be costly.

Artificial turf can be installed on uneven surfaces to create a smooth, soft surface. Each blade of artificial grass is engineered to cushion falls and provide uniformity and create a solid grip to prevent slips. As an added bonus, your business will have the appearance of a well-maintained, professional lawn without paying for a groundskeeper. With advancements in turf technology, artificial grass has never looked more natural. With varying blade heights colors, and styles, it is almost impossible to distinguish natural from artificial.

You’ll also be able to save on water costs from running a sprinkler in the dry season, and as a bonus, some townships and cities provide tax incentives for water conservation for each square foot of artificial turf in use, so you’ll be saving money in more ways than one.


Artificial Pet Turf is Great for Dogs

Dallas is ranked within the top-10 cities to own a pet, and if you own a dog, you have even more

Artificial Pet Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Dallas TX, Ft Worth TX, Texas

Dallas Ft Worth Artificial Pet Grass

reason to get artificial pet turf. You already know that artificial pet turf can keep your furry friends clean, but how will your pets affect the cleanliness of your turf? Luckily, it’s simple to clean up after your pup. It’s easy to clean and deodorize, all you need to do is scoop pet waste like you normally would, and hose off your turf for added cleanliness.

Urine will drain quickly and easily with modern artificial pet turf, so minimal maintenance is needed. Artificial grass is created with anti-microbial agents that kill odors and prevent bacteria from forming. These built-in agents are designed to keep your lawn odor free and clean year-round. If your dog has a favorite spot to mark and you want to go above-and-beyond, you can give it a quick rinse and wash with vinegar.

As far as safety goes, artificial pet turf has no competitor. You’ll never need to spray any dangerous weed-killer, pesticides, or other chemicals that can hurt your pets, and you’ll never have to worry about fleas or ticks invading your yard to find a new home on your dog.


Save Time and Money with Low Maintenance Turf

With so much to do in the Dallas and Fort Worth area, from the gorgeous parks, the incredible array of science and nature museums, to the must-visit restaurants, why would you want to waste

Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Dallas Texas, Ft Worth Texas

Artificial Turf Installation in Dallas Texas

time mowing your lawn, spraying for weeds, or buying expensive fertilizers?

You won’t have to purchase heavy equipment like lawnmowers and tillers, which results in instant savings. That doesn’t even mention the long-term costs on fuel, oil, and repairs that you’ll never spend a dime on. With all of your new-found time and money, you’ll be able to take advantage of all the unique attractions that the metropolitan area provides.

With crews servicing the entire Dallas, Ft Worth area, give Genesis Turf a call today to see how we can help make life a little easier by removing your lawn maintenance chores. 855-887-3435 or

Artificial Sports Turf, Artificial Soccer Turf, Artificial Soccer Grass

10 Ways Artificial Soccer Turf Can Prevent Injuries & Save Money

Artificial sports turf has come a long way in the last decade, from both an aesthetic and functionality standpoint. Sports turf does a stellar job emulating the benefits of natural grass like softness, feel, flexibility,

Artificial Sports Turf, Artificial Soccer Turf, Artificial Sports Grass

Genesis Artificial Soccer Turf

and affordability while practically eliminating its drawbacks like uneven surfaces and high maintenance. Innovations in artificial soccer turf allow us to have the best of

both worlds. If you have a school or sports club interested in saving money and keeping your players safe, keep reading below for 10 ways that artificial turf can help.

  • Reinforced Synthetic Fibers Add Cushioning and Strength

Modern research has led to constant advances in the quality of artificial sports turf. Gone are the days of flat, worn-out fibers. Modern turf boasts reinforced blades and strong infill that holds up over time. This keeps synthetic grass upright and supports fast action underfoot.

  • Multiple Layers of Padding Soften Falls

Another benefit of today’s turf is that it often has multiple layers that provide cushioning, from the rigorously tested padding to the impact-absorbing surface layer of soft fibers.

  • Artificial Soccer Turf Creates Sure Footing

There is no sport that is faster or requires more elusive, last-second movements than soccer. When you need to dodge a defender or stop on a dime to accept a pass, you need to know what your terrain is like and trust it to keep you from sliding or falling. Artificial soccer turf installations, aided by computer-aided-drafting, make perfectly balanced terrain out of a previously bumpy surface.

  • Natural Grass Constantly Breaks Down
Artificial Sports Turf, Artificial Soccer Turf, Artificial Soccer Grass

Genesis Artificial Sports Turf

It can be difficult to maintain natural grass. It just isn’t predictable, and as a result, you often have a choppy, patchy field halfway through the game. There isn’t time or money to have repairs mid-way through a game, and your students and players often suffer as a result. One of the major causes of injury for youth soccer players is hitting a rut or uneven terrain and twisting their ankle. Artificial soccer turf stays flat and dependable through each and every game.

  • Better Playing Surfaces Make Better Players

There is no doubt that having higher-quality turf will enhance the play on the field. The bounce and roll of a soccer ball become more stable, and players can execute better on the field. Players are more confident and worry less about injuries, and the end result is a high-caliber game that brings more parents and spectators.

  • No More Maintenance Machinery

You can lock your lawnmower and weed-wacker away in the sports club shed. If you haven’t bought them yet, that’s even better. Save yourself a few hundred dollars off the bat, you won’t need them. You won’t need a grounds crew to run them, either.

  • Less Time Spent For the Same Pristine Turf

The amount of maintenance required for sports turf is minimal when compared to traditional grass. We all

Artificial Soccer Turf, Artificial Sports Turf, Artificial Sports Grass,

Genesis Artificial Soccer Sport Turf

know that time is money, and you’ll save both. Maintenance consists of periodically running a leaf blower to remove excess debris, or just picking up a few sticks.

  • Reduce Your Carbon Footprint And Expenditures

Without all of that lawn equipment running weekly, you’ll save money and the environment. You no longer need to add gas, oil, and other additives to your equipment. In addition, you can get rid of any harmful pesticides and weed-killers that you once had to use to keep your field from overgrowing with pests and plants.

  • Stop Wasting Water

This is another environmentally friendly, wallet-saving benefit. In the hot summer months, you’ll no longer need to purchase or run a sprinkler nightly to keep your lawn verdant and healthy.

  • Tax Rebates Add Up

Many cities and townships offer tax incentives for your water conservation. They often provide rebates for every square foot of artificial turf you use.

Artificial soccer turf provides an incredible return on investment in the form of prevented injuries and drastic cost savings. From the minute you install your turf all the way up to 20 years later or longer, you’ll be reaping the benefits of a great decision.

For more information please contact Genesis Turf at 855-887-3435 or at